Topic Clusters

December 11, 2022
Topic Clusters
On your SEO journey, you know there are many options. One option you may want to consider is topic clusters. Topic clusters are groupings in your content that revolve around a central subject. You can create a core, central page with this information to repeatedly link to, providing several opportunities for applicable internal linking that […]
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Does Keyword Density Matter?

November 11, 2022
Does Keyword Density Matter?
First, what exactly is keyword density? Basically, it’s the number of times a specific term, word, or phrase occurs in relation to the number of words on a given page. There was a time when the percentage of a keyword’s usage in the content affected a website’s ranking, and many experts suggested a 2% to […]
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Is SEO Still Relevant?

October 3, 2022
Is SEO Still Relevant?
As searching trends, artificial intelligence, and social media continue to change, some people have speculated that SEO will get replaced with other alternatives. Most experts (our team included) would say this is simply not true. SEO is not irrelevant, and we don’t predict it will be obsolete any time soon. What it is doing is […]
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6 Digital Marketing Tips

September 5, 2022
6 Digital Marketing Tips
Digital marketing is critical to business success. It attracts customers by showing them what they want and how your company can provide that for them. You can implement digital marketing tools to monitor customer behavior online in order to effectively cater to their needs. Online marketing needs to be audience-based with the priority of earning […]
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Social Media and SEO

August 1, 2022
Social Media and SEO
Think of how you personally use social media. It’s likely that a fair portion of your time is spent looking at offers from local businesses and posts on community events in addition to your friend’s vacation photos or all the first day of school pictures. If you have a business with information on a social […]
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Signs of Poor SEO Practices

July 1, 2022
Signs of Poor SEO Practices
Search engine optimization is imperative for today’s online business presence. If you’re working on SEO and you haven’t seen a successful uptick on your site, the following issues could be the culprit. Keyword Stuffing – Keywords are important for SEO, but you want to be smart in their application. Some companies stuff excessive keywords in […]
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Pay-Per-Click Ads and SEO

June 3, 2022
Pay-Per-Click Ads and SEO
A pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign is a way to turn clicks into conversions, driving people to your site and helping your business grow. To know if your campaign is working, it all comes down to profitability. Your ad campaign should bring in business, and an ineffective campaign will not result in a profit no matter […]
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Tackle Duplicate Content to Maximize your SEO

May 23, 2022
Tackle Duplicate Content to Maximize your SEO
It may be natural for your site (and affiliate sites) to have a little bit of necessary recurring text but avoiding duplication of content is going to make your site more successful when it comes to SEO. When you have duplicate content, search engines recognize that and will choose other content as a better result […]
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Strong SEO Strategies

April 14, 2022
Strong SEO Strategies
To make an effective website, there are three core areas to focus on: website setup technicalities, content, and linking. Successful businesses know how to drive traffic to their website, and it typically starts with a solid foundation with these three components. Technical Aspects in Website Design Your website is not going to help you if […]
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Ensure a Return on your SEO Investment

March 1, 2022
Ensure a Return on your SEO Investment
How do you know if you’re really getting a good return on your website SEO investments? It’s hard to prove these metrics, unlike other marketing strategies such measurable paid click ads, tracking the open rate of emails, or seeing how many responses you received on a social media post. But there are ways to find […]
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